When Python comes to the rescue

Python finds its application in various fields because it allows one to solve issues quickly based on the variety of frameworks and the active community of programmers actively participating in the development of open-source libraries. Ready frameworks with simple Python syntax are a perfect combination of tools to solve any business case, be it the investigation of trends with the assistance of big data, teaching the ML model visual recognition, or even the introduction of transfer learning to the limited set of your row data to make the effective solution based on the limited arsenal of labeled samples.

A strong community of professional Python developers regularly facilitates the industry with new libraries and frameworks, expert Python programmers are always updating their arsenal with the latest inventions. Python consultants can tell you how to organize your work and achieve maximum efficiency. Hiring Python developers for outsourcing the complicated case is beneficial, while further maintenance can be easily delegated to the in-house team, smaller in size and with less experience. Now, let’s dive into some cases where Python is used.

Face Login System

Suppose your business needs a pass/ticket system via facial verification. For example, a gate booth or a security post can use a face login system for staff. Those systems have a variety of uses because protecting resources, data, etc. – is one of the top priorities in business. 

Python solves this problem with its framework and libraries. As the latter, you need to use OpenCV, which works with graphical data – image, video, etc.- and is applied to input information as an image of your face. Also, you can use the NumPy to encode Pixel code in the data array. Since these are mathematical elements, it is necessary to use NumPy to store data as arrays. NumPy is convenient for such numerical data. 

A handy framework for such a task is Jupyter Notebook. It is in the public domain and is popular because of its functionality and work quickly. 

You can use any database to enter information about employees and their image data ahead of time. The system will then compare the face on entry with the data from the database. Very convenient, right? 

Parking Space Detection

If your business involves public places with a large influx of people, you need to know how many parking spots are available. Another goal after determining is to notify customers of free places in advance. In this regard, Python can solve your problem quickly using the OpenCV library to analyze graphical inputs. Combined with the wide functionality of Python, the program will achieve maximum efficiency with minimum effort.

OpenCV is the basis for many activities because working with cameras, sensors, and images is one of the most common processes in many commercial services.

How can we identify free parking spots? Technically, we should take the spot’s color and compare it to the color of the road. Consequently, if they are the same, the spot is free, otherwise it is occupied by another car. For this purpose, use the built-in function of the OpenCV library, where the color at a specific coordinate (parking spot) is determined and compared to another coordinate (road color). Next, you need to define lines to mark the boundaries of parking spots and know their number. You can use color features to achieve that goal. For instance, the color of lines is not the same as the road’s color. Consequently, you can determine lines.  

Let us imagine Python achieved this goal because it solves this quickly and literally in a few lines of code. The next task is to transmit data about the number of free spaces at the parking lot entrance. It is also easy because the whole program runs in real-time, and all you need to do is put a display in the parking entrance with the data received from the program in real-time. 

Customer Service via AI chatbots

Сhatbots in Python have become increasingly popular in the business sector. Libraries focused on imitating natural human actions allow the creation of very accurate and convenient chatbots. They can do different jobs and tasks. Therefore, business tasks use bots widely.

Using Python, FastAPI, and WebSockets as examples, we can find out the creation process of bots and where they can be applied practically.

At first, Python Environment imports the FastAPI. After that, a generation of custom tokens occurs (you can use uuid4). Through this, the system collects all required data about the user. Python basis functions can provide all other necessary algorithms (what interactions between the server and the user).

Now, let’s look not at the technical part but at the applications. For example, tech support on a business website uses bots for ticket booking, for determining the number of available items through a database in the retail sector, or for payments. It all makes it easier for businesses to automate many processes. Python is convenient because it offers various libraries oriented toward different applications (bots using voice, vision, gestures, etc.).


In conclusion, as the strong Python benefit, which helps to minimize the cost of development, it is worth mentioning the variety of libraries and frameworks that allow you to achieve your goal quickly and efficiently, whether you work with an internal or dedicated development team.