Back deviation or scoliosis is a condition of the spine that usually occurs during the person’s stage of growth and development, although it sometimes occurs from birth. The spine is deviated to the side of the back with an abnormal curvature. In most cases, the deviation is mild or moderate and can be corrected over time or without any risk.
During pregnancy, the back supports the weight of the growing fetus, which causes the lumbar curvature to accentuate and requires more effort. Being pregnant and having scoliosis is not easy, although it will depend on the level of curvature of the back, for this reason it is necessary for the doctor to closely monitor the evolution of both the mother and the baby. For the visit this site you can find the best deal now.
Major annoyances
Normally, during the first trimester, the future mother, who also has scoliosis, will hardly notice any symptoms. Although if the deviation is pronounced it can start earlier. The symptoms that you will notice during this stage will be the same as those suffered by any woman with scoliosis, pregnant or not: pressure on the heart or lungs, increased curvature of the back, decreased physical capacity, involvement of the nervous system, imbalance between arms, legs and hips, etc.
How does back deviation affect pregnancy?
However, as the pregnancy progresses, three symptoms can be highlighted that will affect the quality of life of the pregnant woman:
Back pain: It is normal for pregnant women to have back pain due to the weight supported, however, women who also suffer from scoliosis will see this problem increase causing a higher level of pain in the lower back. As a consequence, they will have trouble walking or falling asleep.
Decreased lung capacity: The enlarged placenta causes the internal organs to move to accommodate the fetus. This will put great pressure on the diaphragm causing shortness of breath. On the other hand, scoliosis is associated with respiratory distress, which together with the pressure exerted on the diaphragm by the uterus will influence an increase in oxygen consumption.
Movement limitations: during pregnancy the height difference in the legs, hips or arms is accentuated, causing difficulties to move correctly.
Scoliosis is not an impediment to getting pregnant, it can only increase some of the usual symptoms of the condition. Therefore, it is important to take extreme care of the back.
Scoliosis Treatment
Scoliosis is usually treated with the use of a brace, surgery, or pharmacological treatment to decrease symptoms. However, during pregnancy the woman is very limited, she cannot wear a corset and drugs and surgery are only recommended in case there is no other alternative due to the risks that it can cause in the fetus.
For these reasons, alternative routes should be used to alleviate symptoms such as:
- Massages
- Acupuncture.
- Rest.
- Antenatal belt.
- Avoid bad postures or gain weight.
- Perform stretching exercises of the lumbar and dorsal area.
It is important to consult with the doctor the use of any of these routes to avoid harm to the baby.